- 自分{じぶん}の考えを説明{せつめい}する
explain what one thinks 意味
- "explain various ways someone can make his payment" 意味
- "explain what caused the incident" 意味
- "explain what happened in orderly sequence" 意味
- "explain what is happening and who is involved" 意味
- "explain what is really happening" 意味
- "explain what someone feels toward" 意味
- "explain what the terms mean" 意味
- "explain why is feeling so churned up" 意味
- "explain why one has done so" 意味
- "explain what is happening and who is involved" 意味
- "explain what is really happening" 意味
- "explain what someone feels toward" 意味
- "explain what the terms mean" 意味